A Slow Start to a New Decade

It feels crazy that it’s 2020. I remember thinking of this year in a futuristic dystopian sense, and now it’s here. Obviously there’s quite a lot dystopian about this year already, but I don’t want to dwell on that here. Rather, I want to discuss starting a new year (and a new decade) with a slow approach.

I used to start each year with a list of resolutions, but I’ve realised that isn’t a good mentality. It’s fine to have aspirations and things you’d like to focus more time on in the year ahead, but traditional resolutions (lose weight! stop drinking! get fit!) all seem to involve an initial rush followed by disappointment and abandonment.

This year, as a result of musings over that strange time between Christmas and New Year, I’ve simply decide to spend more time focusing on the things that I love. Curling up with a good book, taking a long walk, writing for myself, taking photographs whenever inspiration strikes, and just generally taking things at a slow pace. Yes, I’ve also given up drinking for a few weeks and have started swimming at my local pool, but I see that as a reaction to over indulgence at Christmas, rather than a flimsy attempt at New Year, New Me.

My main intention for this year is to slow down. To take on less, to spend more time at home. I know what I’m like - I’m an advocate for slow living but I get swept up in saying ‘yes’ to everything and making sure my diary is full of things to look forward to. Sometimes I forget that it’s OK to just spend a weekend at home, reading a book and enjoying a long walk. Similarly, I’m keen to slow down my working life even further. I’ve become quite good at declining work that isn’t worth my time (and regarding my blog and Instagram work, I only ever work with brands whose core values align with my own) but it can be quite scary to not have work planned in. In the past, an empty calendar has tempted me to accept writing jobs that involve lots of work and very little money. Saying ‘no’ can be incredibly liberating.

So far, the year is off to a nice, slow start. It’s somehow the 8th of January and I’ve spent most of the beginning of the month enjoying long walks, reading my ever-growing pile of books and enjoying the spa facilities at my local leisure centre (how did I not know there was a jacuzzi, sauna and steam room just down the road??) Obviously, I’ve also been working, but I’m happy with my current work/life balance and content with the work I’m currently doing. I’m currently writing this from my bed, at 4pm because why not? It’s comfy and cosy, and I’m less distracted than when I work downstairs. Is that the ultimate slowing down - refusing to get up and work at a desk?


How to be a More Ethical Influencer


How to Have a Slow and Simple Christmas